The Questions: What's your GPA and What'd you get for Christmas ...
More Appropriate: How was your Semester in terms of your Expectations and Did you get Everything you wanted for Christmas?
Outside of the latter questions I don't think anything else matters! Contrary to Popular belief and what can be viewed by the public WE, US, YOU PERSONALLY are the ONLY Person that Let's yourself DOWN, Because YOU are the ONLY one that knows your TRUE Potential, Others may sense it, but if you look internally ENOUGH you will see it also "People can't see what's not There!" YOU know if you can do BETTER and you know whether or not you are SATISFIED ... No one else is significant in this EVALUATION! ... So this being the case the people that ask the above questions confuse me as it seems they are confused themselves ... Confused as to whether or not they are good enough, but also confused that they get a kick out of expressing how much better than someone else showing a bit of there arrogance combined with there low self esteem ... These people serve as entertainment to me and I know what I expect of myself and am not ashamed to indulge in there WEIRDONESS so I don't mind being responsive ... Its funny how they get when the tables turn and they fall short of the expectation they set out for themselves all of sudden nothing matters to them and there curl up and go into there little hole! Haha
They make you believe that by knowing your personal information they'll have some added value or significance of Importance ... But if you all think thats's TRUE, then I'm sorry to break it to you I honestly believe people who compare themselves to others have some insecurities or are stuck up! ... You compare to reaffirm that you are important and on the same level as someone else or you ask because you know that you dominated them and you want to "rub it in/publicly reiterate your superiority over them" ... Either way I think its pretty pathetic! Haha